Membership list
Associated Members
Angelo Frei, A. Menarini GmbH, AMR Action Fund,, Barbara Sutter, Benjamin Wyss, BioVersys AG, Debiopharm International SA, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, GARDP, IHMA, INCATE, Interpharma, Juvabis AG, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, leadXproAG, Luminance Health GmbH, MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme AG, OM Pharma Suisse SA, Pfizer AG, Roche Pharma (Schweiz) AG, scienceindustries, SFL Regulatory Affairs & Scientific Communication GmbH, Shionogi & Co, Ltd., sitem-insel AG, Spearhead (project), Swiss Biotech Association, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases
Full Members
Michael Altorfer, Franziska Bächler, Valérie Bachmann, Gokhan Batur, Peter Beyer, Rudolf Blankart, Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Lucas Böttcher, Joffrey Chadrin, Marc Creus, Thomas Cueni, Christoph Dehio, Damiano de Felice, Giacomo di Nepi, Andreas Endimiani, Stefan Felder, Brigitte Franke-Bray, Sandra Gillner, Frank Otto Gombert, Gilbert Greub, Delphine Guérin, Douglas Haggstrom, Stephen Hawser, Bea Heim, Michael Hennig, Sven Hobbie, Martin A. Höhener, Silvio Inderbitzin, Mark Jones, Françoise Jung, Achim Kaufhold, Andreas Kronenberg, Stephen Leib, Philippe Luchsinger, Alessandro Mazzetti, Marcel Mesnil, Chantal Morel, Stefan Mühlebach, Konrad Mühlethaler, Nicolas Müller, Patrice Nordmann, Daniel Obrecht, Kevin Outterson, Malcolm Page, Daniel Paris, Vincent Perreten, Marie Petit, Angélie Pham, Jean-Claude Piffaretti, Barbara Polek, Daniel Probst, Carlos Quinto, Christian Röhrig, Martine Ruggli, Jacques Schrenzel, Markus Seeger, Kosta Shatrov, Marcel Tanner, Christian Terreaux, Damiano Urbinello, Franz von Heeren, Ursula von Mandach, Urs Widmer, Andreas Widmer, Reinhard Zbinden, Oliver Zerbe, Stefan Zimmerli, Jacob Zinsstag-Klopfenstein
Apply to become am member
We welcome new members who share a commitment to the association’s mission.
Full Members: For an individual to qualify for full membership, the applicant must credibly demonstrate that he or she meets at least one of the criteria listed below:
Assuming a professional responsibility in an area that is affected by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and/or engagement in any countermeasures.
Active in any professional or private framework that involve awareness of AMR.
Committing to contribute to the achievement of the association's objectives by means of voluntary work in a relevant area of expertise or experience.
Associated Members: Individuals and organisations with activity in the wider ecosystem of AMR may qualify for associated membership.
Only individual members with Full Member status have voting rights.
To apply for membership please fill the relevant application form and submit it to
- Full Members: RTA Application Form - Full Membership
- Associated Members: RTA Application Form - Associated Membership